Collection: CBD products

  • Transdermal CBD patch (30 pcs.)
    Hempo CBD patch for muscle and joint pain

    Transdermal CBD patch (30 pcs.)

    Regular price
    Price €23,80
    Regular price
    Price €34,00
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When it comes to CBD products, the "Hempo" brand stands out for its high quality. CBD products are very popular, but not all are as effective as "Hempo." The secret of these products? They are made using a double extraction method, which ensures maximum efficacy and quality. But that's not all – we use specially bred hemp with a unique genetic profile to ensure our CBD products are among the best on the market.

In summary, "Hempo" is one of the best choices for CBD products in Lithuania. Whether you are looking for CBD oil or CBD capsules, our range is designed to meet everyone's needs. By choosing "Hempo," you choose the highest quality.